
Living with a Spirit Animal Zoo

It is most likely you have heard about Spirit Animals before. But do you understand what a Spirit Animal is? Any idea yet? 

In my experience, they are representing a „force“ that the animals here on earth embody. What kind of force? Well, take elephants. They are strong, they are sensitive, they have thick skin, they love to play and are very connected to their family. These are only some of their traits. These traits are represented through the Spirit Animal if it is an elephant. 

You only have to take a close look at the habits and the strengths of an animal. Then you can discover what kind of energy they represent. 

Has everybody got a Spirit Animal? 

Of course, these are forces that are accessible to every human being. We are part of nature, and so every force that exists is connected to us. But not everybody is drawn to every Spirit Animal. Most people are attracted only to a few. 

How many Spirit Animals are here for you?

Every Spirit Animal is available for everyone. Most people are drawn to different Animals at different times in their lives. Sometimes people have got strong character traits. And they don´t change very much during their whole life. These people are drawn to a specific animal that represents this character trait. There are no limits. 

How do we know which one is ours? 

There are 3 basic methods to find out: 

1. Meditation 

Visualize yourself in nature and wait for an animal to approach you. The one that makes direct contact with you is your Spirit Animal at this moment. 

2. Choose one that attracts you

You can always choose the one you are attracted to. You are attracted for a reason. 

3. Pick one with special character traits

If you want to develop a special character trait, you can connect to one that´s got this trait. Pick the elephant for thick skin. Pick the eagle to get a view of the bigger picture. Pick the beaver to build something big. 

How do you make contact? 

You must establish a connection to your Spirit Animal so you can access the force it represents. You can do this in any way you like. Let your inspiration guide you, there are no limits and no musts. 
Using creativity is helpful to open yourself to the force of the Spirit Animal. Deepening your connection in any way is working with this force of nature. You can also ask yourself: What would the Spirit Animal do? 

There are 3 easy ways to connect with a Spirit Animal. 

1. Getting information about the animal 

Use the Internet or any source of information to find out how this animal behaves. Then ask yourself: How can I use these traits in my life? 

2. Surround yourself with the animal 

Use pictures or little statues, whatever you find beautiful. 

3. Visualizing 

Imagine yourself being with the animal and talking to it. What would it say to you? 

How do you know when your time together has come to an end? 

This one is easy. If you begin to feel neutral towards the animal. When there is no more attraction, it´s time to move on to another one. 

Have fun with this! And connect with your Spirit Animal often. You will want to strengthen your relationship. So you can benefit from this wonderful force of nature.