
3 easy ways to use the cycles of the moon for your life

Why are the moon cycles important for us?

The moon has always been fascinating for humans throughout history. The connection of its changing nature with the cycles of nature was obvious. And so people took the phases of the moon into account for harvesting or working with wood.

What is the connection of the moon to human beings?

As we know the moon has got a huge impact on the water on our planet. And well, we are made 2/3 out of water. So is it likely there is some effect on us by the phases of the moon? You bet there is.

The energy of the moon phases

There are two main energies in the moon cycles. The waxing moon is the time to create "more of". The waning moon is the time to "let go of".

How can you work with the energy of the moon phases?

This is really simple to do. There are two turning points of the cycle and two questions to ask.

  • The Full Moon: What do I want to let go in my life?
  • The New Moon: What do I want more of in my life?
Working with your answers to these questions

There are 3 easy ways to work with your answers to these questions throughout the next phase of the moon.
  • Drawing a daily card
    You can draw an oracle card daily about the thing you want to let go or that you want to have more of in your life.
    Use these follow-up questions:
    How can I let go? What is standing in my way to let go?
    How can I get more of / be more...? What is standing in my way to get more of / be more...?
  • Journaling
    You can use the following journaling prompts:
    The last time I wanted to let go of this...
    Others look at me letting go of this and...
    I deserve letting go of this...
    Having more / being more of ... means to me...
    Others will react to me having more of / being more of...
    This is my future when I will have more of / be more of...
  • Create an affirmation
    "I love letting go of... and I´m fine when I´m not."
    "I love having more of / being more... and I´m fine when I´m not."
    (On affirmations see Affirmations don´t work for me - why?)
    You can use it 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening in front of your mirror (see Mirror mirror on the wall - why should I talk to you?). You can also write it down 10 times every day.
As always, these are only suggestions. Let your creative juices flow and work with the phases of the moon and your answers to the questions in any way you feel good about.