
How to use the elements to balance your life

Do you want more balance in your life? Feeling balanced, living balanced?

You can, and it is not complicated at all!

If something is in balance, all its elements are in balance. Not too much of one thing (for example work), not too less of another thing (perhaps your family life). Balance means that every element has its place or its time.

To bring balance into your life, you can use the model of the elements air - fire - water - earth. Each element is a symbol of a different kind of quality in your life.

There are many layers in this model, but a simple explanation is this:

  • Air = mental aspects of your life, what you think
  • Fire = spiritual aspects of your life, what gives your life meaning
  • Water = emotional aspects of your life, what you feel
  • Earth = material aspects of your life, what you need for a living
If these elements are in balance, your whole life is in balance. 

How can you achieve this?

There are a lot of different ways to bring these elements into balance and you will find lots of suggestions on the internet. But I want to concentrate on an easy method that will have a large impact if you do it regularly.

Create an altar. And use it. 

The best place is in the heart, the center of your home. If this is not possible, choose any place you feel good about. 

Put something on your altar for each of the elements. Could be a feather for Air, a candle for Fire, a shell for Water and a stone for Earth. There is no right or wrong, choose what you feel connects you to the element. 

And then use it. Light the candle every day. Get fresh water. Get fresh flowers. 

By tending to your altar, you tend to the elements. And by tending to the elements you strengthen each one of them in your life. 

Simple and powerful!