
Get your own Patronus - Harry-Potter-Style

If you don´t know yet what a Patronus is - here is an explanation about Harry Potter and the Patronus: What is a Patronus?

Even if you were already familiar with the Patronus - did you ever think about using it for yourself? Not? Then you should change that!

Why a Patronus?

If you are in a situation where you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, using a Patronus is a big help for you. It reminds you of your own power and forces you can use at any moment in your life.

How do you create a Patronus?

In the Harry Potter story, they use a spell to invoke the Patronus. For your own life, it´s enough to call on the force you want to have by your side. A force to protect and empower you.

The White Stag that is Harry Potter´s Patronus is perfect for this. It´s a symbol of positive authority, of empowerment, protection, and purity. This is what we are looking for in a troubling situation. Using our power in a benevolent way.

And so you can call on the White Stag to stand by your side when you enter a situation that challenges you. There is no need to be formal about this. Just thinking about it standing right next to you is enough.

Then try to feel the connection to the White Stag. So you can connect to your own power and authority.

This is it. It´s so easy to do. And yet it can have such an enormous impact on your life if you start to use this method.

You can learn more about working with Spirit Animals here: Living with a Spirit Animal Zoo

Have fun!